This was when it was snowing loads in London...last week actually..I know a bit late in updating this. This was outside my house a few days after it snowed, so imagine how it was right after it snowed. I however still went out the house :D I actually don't think it was as bad as people put it to be. I mean I like that it was white and fluffy as it is easier to walk on and not sludgy ice.
What I found really funny...well not really is that there are still girls walking in the snow with stilettos, I mean fair enough that it's ice and not snow, but still slightly crazy!
My back garden was full of snow...about a good 4-5 inches. I didn't go out there and just left it. I was kind of waiting for my little brother (10 years old) to come and visit me during the holidays to play in it...and we did, I sure had fun throwing snowballs at him!! hehehe. He also attempted to make a snow angel, that I didn't manage to capture in time.
I also took a look at my pond at the back. It was frozen about a whole inch...I really hope my gold fish's are not popsicles :S
Which reminds me one of my three baby in-door goldfishes died at the end of summer, kinda sad really, I've had it for almost two years now. It was the pretty one, also the one my brother named Sonic.
But yeah snow...pretty when you're wrapped up indoors and warm, not so much when you're stuck in it trying to get somewhere.
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