Little Super Mario Goodies

My sister got these for my little brother as part of his Christmas presents. I found them so cute :D My little brother likes playing Mario Kart on the Wii, I'm also improving :D
I believe they are from HMV, But I think you can also get it from the Game shop too.

Rose design Rings

Mainly chunky style type of rings. I like them all, but some more than others. I don't know where the rings are from, but I'm pretty sure there are similar designs from River Island, Oasis, Accessorize, Topshop, Urban Outfitters...endless.



Hair - Technique of braiding hair

I really like this. If only I could do that to my own hair...I mean I have problems French braiding my own hair nicely, let alone this...I mean I can do really nice braids on peoples head. Sometimes I wished I could remove my head from my neck...but then it wouldn't work like that :|

I tried getting my mum during Christmas to teach me how to French braid my own hair...but it got messy and I gave up...

I guess I could also get someone else to do my hair...but I'm fussy like that. I like to do it myself, because I know how to, I just need to practice. Practice makes Perfect!


Jelly Belly - Ice Cream Parlour Mix

So I saw this in a sweet shop. Don't be mistaken this was no ordinary sweet shop, it is a cross over of Cyber Candy and an old sweetshop that had sweets in jars on shelves...it felt like heaven.
I was like a child, as excited as ever and couldn’t wait to get home to show my sisters. I have not yet opened them to eat, as I wanted to wait for my other sister to try them ☺. She, like me both have a love for these sweets. I wanted to open them at Christmas, but forgot as there were already a load of food, sweets and chocolate at home.

I think I like the thrill of putting my hand in and picking out something I don’t know what it is until I taste it. Just like the chocolate Revels :D

I would recommend you to go, but I don't remember the shop, it was a discovery I made whilst on a walk to look for this other shop in the area of Clerkenwell (London), a very nice area to go on strolls and find amazing shops like these, or one of many like the shop “Lie down i think i love you” that I mentioned about in here: http://playdohharea.blogspot.com/2010/12/lie-down-i-think-i-love-you.html
I would say that it is walking distant, But saying that I’m a person that can walk all day, I love my long walks with or without company doesn’t bother me, so long shopping sprees is a no problem for me :D I however dislike walking in the rain, but that depends on what mood I’m in.

I shall post more things about the places or shops or areas I like to visit, where I find (what I think are) amazing discoveries ☺

I can’t wait to try these Ice Cream Parlour Jelly Belly Mix.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Festive Christmas.

Noritaka Tatehana Fall 2010

I don't know if I like them. I mean I guess I do, they are definitely interesting especially the texture, I quite like the colour too. Won't the be slightly hard to walk in??

My Christmassy Nails - Grey with Silver Glitter

Well to be honest, I wasn't too inspired this year. With so much going on and the feeling that time just flew by, It almost felt like I had something in my eye making everything I see just a blur. To be honest it still feels that way.

I'm also not a big fan of Red nails, other wise it probably would have been a red base colour. I would have also painted some festive decorations and stuff. But that didn't happen.
But the base colour its a Grey, Barry M, Grey 293. the middle finger I used hearts glitter with clear polish and the other ones I used different sized glitter in clear polish.

I'm sorry, I know the photograph is not so good but you get the idea. and this was taken just before we (me and my family) sat together to open presents, also just before Christmas lunch where some food may have got burnt in the oven :|

Oh if your wondering where I got these polishes from they are from Hong Kong. There are loads of different types of glitter in colour and shapes like stars, flowers etc...I'm pretty sure you can get it off ebay too with the correct searches, but the price varies.


Merry Chrismas, I hope you all have a wonderful holiday xXx

So I am a Leo

I follow someone called sexology on Twitter, they tweet things according to horoscopes, some of which are spot on and some a miss.
This link is "How to seduce a Leo Women" :) I believe they have it for other horoscopes and for men as well so check it out :D
So yeah it's like an analysis of each horoscope, also points about sex, as its sexology!

My twitter, feel free to follow and I'll do the same :)


Snow in London

This was when it was snowing loads in London...last week actually..I know a bit late in updating this. This was outside my house a few days after it snowed, so imagine how it was right after it snowed. I however still went out the house :D I actually don't think it was as bad as people put it to be. I mean I like that it was white and fluffy as it is easier to walk on and not sludgy ice.

What I found really funny...well not really is that there are still girls walking in the snow with stilettos, I mean fair enough that it's ice and not snow, but still slightly crazy!

My back garden was full of snow...about a good 4-5 inches. I didn't go out there and just left it. I was kind of waiting for my little brother (10 years old) to come and visit me during the holidays to play in it...and we did, I sure had fun throwing snowballs at him!! hehehe. He also attempted to make a snow angel, that I didn't manage to capture in time.
I also took a look at my pond at the back. It was frozen about a whole inch...I really hope my gold fish's are not popsicles :S
Which reminds me one of my three baby in-door goldfishes died at the end of summer, kinda sad really, I've had it for almost two years now. It was the pretty one, also the one my brother named Sonic.

But yeah snow...pretty when you're wrapped up indoors and warm, not so much when you're stuck in it trying to get somewhere.

Fancy Funky Rings

The pillow ring looks pretty good for lectures right? Hahaha

The other ring (hand holding a green gem) is just a random pretty but weird design :D

The other ring (I Love You) is just sweet and cute, I think it's from Accessorize :)


X-mas Presents!!! Yay!!

Okay, this is a small section of presents I wrapped, my own and my sister's presents for the family. This is not a lot I mean I have a big family, Daddy, Mummy, 3 older sisters and a younger brother, I also have other family members like my close cousins coming for x-mas and a handful of baby cousins...equals sack full of goodies :D
My little brother is in London with me at the moment so I had to hide a great amount of them just so he doesn't get too excited and start asking me every 10 minutes if he can open one and ask me how many presents he has!!
He spent the first day thinking of as many Christmas songs and sang them to me. He also decided to sing a difference song to me everyday continuously...Oh the joy =.=" I think I might be deaf! :D

Hello Kitty Reebok's

I saw this and i had to just mention them...Have I mentioned that I LOVE Hello Kitty? Well I do. I think my fascination of Hello Kitty started as young as I could remember. To me mainly Hello Kitty and some other Sanrio characters have a sentimental value rather than a material worth, it reminds me of my childhood where my grandmother used to buy me a lot of Hello Kitty stuff.
I'm pretty sure that a lot of kids have been brought up around characters like me, and have this similar affections for them, some like Mickey Mouse...well Disney characters or what not.

I LOVE Hello Kitty <3 <3 :D

If you love Hello Kitty as much as I do, check this out:


Mini Cupcakes in spirit of X-mas

I haven't been baking for a while now so I decided to bake something. My little brother was also in London for his holiday so with his help we made and decorated the mini cupcakes from scratch, well except the red icing which we bought in a tube :D
So the photograph shows the cupcake freshly baked in the oven then magically decorated with x-mas spirit. We also ate a few cupcakes whilst decorating ^.^ We only used red and white icing with different types of topping decorations. Oh I didn't get a photograph of my cases, but basically it had Rudolph on the bottom :)

Oh just incase you want to bake some mini cupcakes, if you don't have a mini cupcake tray like me, I found it easier and for the cupcakes to keep in shape if you use two cases rather than one. I learnt this from the last time I make mini cupcakes :D

Christmas at home for me has never been a religious celebration. It has always been about the family coming together for a few days to spend time chatting,playing games, cooking and eating as a happy family.
For the last few year Christmas has never been so straightforward at home caused by some family conflicts and unfortunate events. Hopefully this year will be the beginning of a fresh start.

Merry Christmas to all :)

Angora Leopard Hat

I got this as a gift...First thing I noticed was leopard print!! yay...grey...yay....then the soft ness and rubbing it against my face...not noticing it was Angora-Rabbit Hair!! Like OMFD! I have a rabbit on my head and rubbed it against my face!!!.
I only knew Angora is rabbit hair but didn't know the type of rabbit so I Google it...well its some hairy beast!! o.O Okay that might be a little mean, but it is a really fluffy rabbit. It's cute, but not skinned or on my head :S
I dislike fur, especially real or fake. I had a friend in a real fur jacket and she was giving me a hug, I couldn't hug her...She said it was vintage, and fair enough, I get how vintage is better than new freshly skinned fur coat. But to me it is still fur...I also understand that once it's done it's done, I personally won't purchase fur products, however I now do own some stuff that has fur as they, like this hat is given. I also noticed that a few of my Holister hoodies have Angora hair too :S

I read an article some time back and it was said that the fake fur on your reasonably priced Topshop or wherever jacket that is so called "fake fur" can actually be a mixture of real fur...just not the expensive type like fox or rabbit...is racoons expensive?? But anyway it's admixture of like ferret, weasel, otter, wolves, cat etc...

I guess my Angora hat is different as the hair has been cut of rather than skinned. Like sheep wool I guess. I don't know I haven't touched the hat since I found out, to be honest it's actually in a plastic bag in my room :| Sorry, but I'm not going to lie, it's the truth.

Ceramic Bearer with Message

Loads more similar ideas and designs here
Okay fair enough I can make this myslef...but it's pretty.
I also think that if someone was to make and design one specially for someone it would mean a lot more...I mean not for like someone's wedding or anything.
But then again if anyone was to make or design something for someone it would mean a lot more.


Moshiko Sculptural Rings

On the topic or sculptural rings I came across this
Some amazing weird designed rings. I don't know maybe my sculptural interest have been influenced by my art sculpture lessons back in college.

Wooden Jewellery

By the designer Anthony Roussel. He designs rings and bracelets from wood. These pieces are almost sculpture like, they also remind me almost like architectural structure.
As I love texture, I really like this, I also like chunky and wierd rings :D
I would like to know how this was made...like designed on a computer software and then lazer-cut?? do wonder...

Storm watch

So me and my other sister put money together to buy my other sister a watch for x-mas, From Storm. I really like the bag they gave to carry the watch, its a luminous pink, with a soft texture, it's really hard to explain it, I guess you have to feel and see it yourself to know why like it. They also have a lilac one too :D


Theatre Experiences - Wicked was Wicked

Some girls and I went to see Wicked in theatre on Friday 17th December.
Wicked is one of the stage performances I’ve always wanted to go see. I think my passion for theatre stared around the age of 10 on a school trip to watch “Bugsy Malone”. I actually don’t remember much of it except I really enjoyed this 30’s? Gangster musical. It was also my first experience of a musical in theatre.
My second experience to a musical was not as interesting, it was also a short show with a workshop – school trip. I actually don’t remember much of it, except it was based on actors who had disabilities – death and dumb. I actually don’t remember how that worked out but it was definitely an experience.
My third musical was “Sweet Charity” I saw this as a college production and really enjoyed it. I then later – a few years later I think earlier this year, where I went to see it in theatre.

But back to Wicked, it was amazing and I really enjoyed it.
I didn’t know much of the play except that it was related to the story of “The Wizard of Oz”…well it is called “Wicked, The untold Story of the Witches of Oz”.


It is an impressive design created from a 10 year old to promote bad health to smoking.
A link below for a sort clip.


I don't know why but it's hard for people to believe that I have not tried smoking in any form. I don't really have anything against smoking or smokers. I don't mind people smoking around me, I just mind the smell in my clothes and hair. I just don't find smoking appealing and have never been peer pressured into it. I still do "hang around", "chill", "jamm", "crotch"...(whatever it's called) with people who smoke...cigarettes, weed, shisha...I guess I do a lot of second hand smoking and I own a shisha, that I've not seen since the summer :D

Though I got to admit, I did used to think it was kool as a kid :| Well up until my only close uncle that smoked got throat cancer. I guess this did have a bigger affect on me than I think.

Amazing blog - My Milk Toof


I first came to this blog mid 2009. I think the first post I saw was 'Busted' after looking at this I started to look back to the ones previous to this to 'catch' up on the posts that I had not yet discovered, But for me there was not alot as it only started up a few months before. however if you have not yet discovered it, you have almost 2years worth of little goodness to catch up on :D

I have got to say that each post has it's own reaction, whether it is the 'awwww's or giggles, I have also got to ad that each one never fails to make me smile, reminding me of adventures or things that I did as a child.

I always check back to see if there is a new post, it almost upsets me when there is no update. But I also understand that such great ideas and productions do take time. :)

I would advise you to take a look at the blog it's full of little cuteness from Lardee and ickle's adventures. So adorable!

If you come across any blogs like such, please let me know, I don't think I can get enough of these little goddesses ^_^

Hours of fascination over nothing important.

I'm like a kid, I can be fascinated by such small detail in products. I mean someone can give me something as little as a bottle of perfume and I would sit there for a few hours analysing it.
I would obviously open it, spay it and smell it. I would then move on to looking at the bottle of the perfume, the detail, its design, the actual design of the bottle, its form and shape. I then look at the packaging, it's box I read anything that is on it. The ingredients, trademark...little details around the packaging. I don't know if it's me a design geek, but I look at the layout of text or image, type colour, texture material etc. I then look at the design of the packaging the way it functions, if it is not a standard box I get fascinated by the net design, the cut, the way it is designed to interact with the buyer. I then get into the idea of wondering how it was produced, the print process. For example the idea of gloss or embossing on certain details of a packaging has always interested me.
In a way I guess the course at uni now has really taught me a lot about things like this-as in the print process of graphic design rather than packaging. But I guess it's more or less a similar process. Well I hope to think so anyways...

But back to the point yeah I get fascinated by such little things. Some people will know, but me a book and wrap it with some nice textures wrapping paper and I'll cherish the wrapping paper..oh and the book, I mean it could be a photo frame with a picture of a strangers dog...and I loveeee dogs so I would likely be like awwwwww for a while too. And lets not get me started on the wrapping paper or wallpaper, I think that'll be a whole new essay of a blog :D
And on a last note, I like to 'collect a load of rubbish' I get fascinated by clothing labels and I got shoe boxes full of them. I started in my early teens and being a girl loving to shop, You can only wonder...^_^



Because it's signed with a crown on top!
Okay so I've been to Accessorize recently. There were a few pieces I found interesting, bangle wise that is, I've also decided to paste the link to a few pieces I found interesting.

Futuristic Biker Bangle.
I've always like the biker style things. Metal bits, rusty silver, studs, leather...
I also really like this for its style.


Graphic trapped Leaf.
I really like the effect is has also the de-bossing effect on the inside of the bangle.


Scale Pattern Embossed Bangle.
This is just embossed, soend of really! :D no I really like the scale pattern. It also reminds me of these shoes I used to have that were fish scales too. Talking about fish scales I really like the was they reflect light the shine to it...yet again talking a load of rubbish :D



I really like this bracelet because of the weaving idea, making it more than just a simple link chained bracelet. I also like the charm thing that is hanging off it too. I don't know, it's hard to explain why I'm drawn to it :S

Oh this bracelet is from Monsoon Accessorize, they also have a few like this design...I might be looking to purchase one soon when find one that I really like and is not gold :D

Big knitted K

I don't know if you've seen it before but this is from the shop Accessorize. It was part of there window display for the winter knitted range (2010). I believe the letters spell out 'Knit wear' or something like that. As you can see from the photo the letter itself is pretty big, about 16 inches high and wide.

I managed to get this as one of my friends works in one of the branches and managed to get me it it as soon as they were done with displaying them :D

On another note, it does absolutely nothing except sit in my front room propping up a few presents near the x-mas tree :D
Oh and that it is meant to just look pretty :D

And it's all about me K!


Cubannie Links

Not promoting gun violence but I think this is pretty kool

Kleenex Tissues

Reminds me of something I did years ago, but it was a pastel coloured cherry cake packaging.



I found this funny :)

Decorative Rule

This typographic poster features a photographed die-cut card with a decorative border — and script typography with flourishes and integrated vector elements.


Dumb Quotes

Typographic education poster showing the difference between smart quotes (quotation marks) and dumb quotes (inch marks)
— quotations referencing intelligence were chosen to illustrate the examples.

Buy the poster at:
I don't speak because you're meant to hear my inner Voice

Cry Ourselves to Sleep

It's a Fact that as a Baby we are taught to Cry ourselves to sleep.
This is a process that most parents go through with their children from a young age.

As we get older We still cry ourselves to sleep, not for the exact same reasons, as we are not helpless to feed our hunger or to relieve our bladders. But in similarity a cry out for reassurance.


Bird Ring

I saw this ring a while ago, but going through the Urban Outfitter Website I noticed they sold it there! Amazing!!! The link is below


I think I would like it more if they had it in a rust silver instead. I like silver more than gold or bronze in metal (jewellery).

I think it's cute...two birds kissing :)

Armour knuckle ring

Wearing this ring whilst typing is a bit weird...feels like I have a bit of weight on my finger...I mean yes I do as it is a chunk of dimonte covered pieces of metal on my finger!!
But to the point this was a Present given to me by one of my lovely fallen Angels - Amanda. To be correct I asked her where she got it form so I could blog about it. Urban Outfitters!! Yes that is where it is from. I thought I'd paste the link so you could check it out


It is really pretty, I'm getting used to it. I mean I used to wear a fair share of chunky rings before I shopped because I found it really hard to do some design work...

Also check out the other rings they have there, they are amazing!!
I got this (before I got my ring from Amanda) for one of my girls - Sonia for her birthday. I knew she wanted a doube finger ring and she loves her cross's.


Urban Outfitters is one of the amazing shops that I Loveeee. I get lost for moments and leave the shop hours later. Amazing! I just can't believe I've never seen this ring there. But I've got it now :D

Lie down i think i love you

Amazing shop! It is really pretty, especially the handbags they have. The products have a vintage feel. Though new and made of real leather, so expensive yes! The silk scarves they had in-store are also very pretty. The shoes they have are Victorian style dolly shoes and very pretty. they also had these compact mirrors with floral designs and portraits of pretty girls. I don't think I can stop saying the products are pretty. I think they are very pretty!
The style is not exactly my style, its a vintage look. But I do love the vintage aura. The shop itself gives the whole feeling with the creaking hardwood floors, and lets not forget the smell of vintage mixed with leather.

Cassette tape Belt?

Yes! That's right you read it right. This pattern is made with the magnetic tape of a cassette tape. It is sewn to a piece of fabric. The picture is a close up of the waist belt on my sisters dress. There was also some of it on the shoulders - as the military look sort of thing.
It has a great texture to it, it has a soft springy feel to it, weird in an interesting way. I think it's amazing, also it must of taken a long time to sew rows of it on a pretty long strip :|
A great way to recycle think.


Gold Bangle

I really like this bangle my sister got...but it's gold...:(
I don't really like the gold colour...jewellery or whatever...however I don't mind rust gold....hmmm
I like it because of the texture. Its shiny against a frosted texture...not fair!!!! :'(

Pink nails with white flowers and bows

My pretty nails :) I don't usually have all my nails in the same colour, especially this colour. I don't know why but I always thought it looked weird against my skin colour, But I don't know I think I have grown on it.
The pink I used is from Barry M. 309 Strawberry. I think Barry M have a great range of colours, I mean they are known for their pigment colours in their range, and don't mean just nail polish but their eye shadows and lipsticks.

The new fashion trend being colourful and bold colours with glitter. So start stocking up for the trend starting in the next fall!!