Hello Panda!

Is it not cuteeee???? It definitely is!!
I Love Panda's, they are just like me with the dark circles around the eyes :) Cuddly, (hairy,) Lazy, eats and sleeps :D
I had to take a picture to show the resemblance LOL

(The pictures were taken with the camera on my phone...crappy)

Sweets :)

My friend went to Hong Kong and got me these sweets, they reminded me of the ones I had when I was a kid :D
They were fruity and addictive...so addictive that when I offered my sisters one, that was all they were allowed :)..Okay maybe not, I gave them one of each flavour before I kept the rest to myself...

The flavours
Melon (I think or lime??)

Gimme some Chocolate!

As you can see I decided to eat a few before sharing. I'm greedy, now get over it! :d

They were soo good, but I prefer the Truffles, coffees, and maybe the ones with crushed nuts. I don't really like the toffee, or orange or Turkish delight ones...so they were left behind :D

Small Box with a Vintage look

I can't say that I'm totally in love with it, as I'm not a big fan of wood...I mean I like it's old rusting look etc, I just don't like the feel of unfinished wood, for that I hate getting splinters :§

But anyway I really like the lock? Clasp?...the closing of the box. I also find that the lock is also very popular as I have seen it on a lot of vintage look products or shabby chic style furnishings...also on a lot of bags and clutches.
I think our of the whole box the lock is the highlight...well the corner details are night too :)


I Piss Myself Off

No lie, I think I'm subliminally creating my own dramas in life to get attention, because I'm just not getting enough.

Argghhh I'm really pissing myself off here, Argh slap me please!!


I'm Sorry, But this is me:

I'm sorry for not living up to your expectations.
I'm sorry for not being affectionate.
I'm sorry for not conforming to your needs.
I'm sorry for not being talkative.
I'm sorry for not being on your level.
I'm sorry for not having the same passions as you.
I'm sorry for not being encouraging.
I'm sorry for not stroking your ego.
I'm sorry for not playing the victim.
I'm sorry for not considering your feelings.
I'm sorry for making assumptions.
I'm sorry for starting arguments.
I'm sorry for being Judgemental.
I'm sorry for being greedy.
I'm sorry for putting my studies before you.
I'm sorry for being indecisive.
I'm sorry for being so demanding.
I'm sorry for being vain.
I'm sorry for being high-maintenance
I'm sorry for being stubborn.
I'm sorry for having morals and principles.

This is me, this is the person I am.


I really don't get it...I mean someone can go on Facebook on their phone and yet they can't reply your text messages. You're still on your damn phone!!! Twat!

Quote - Isak Dinesen

Difficult times have helped me to understand better than before, how infinitely rich and beautiful life is in every way, and that so many things that one goes worrying about are of no importance whatsoever...