This is the first time experimenting with type of design, so it isn't perfect but I wanted to show it anyway. I also wanted to show the base polish I used, I don't remember what it is as I "borrowed" it with out asking :D it belongs to my sister, but hey she "borrows" my stuff with out asking too...enough of that...
I like the colour its like a nude brown tinted, sort of mauve but almost beige-ish colour. I think I just used all words possible to describe it...but there is an image. I got to say the polish was very thin. I had to put like 3 layers of it, but it dried so quick...I was typing at the same time so the tips are a bit dodgy...? I also painted it very messily...
I used white polish, for the stamp, lace style French manicure look. I think it looks kinda wedding like too. I'm actually testing out a few things for my sister's wedding. I'm going to be doing her nails (the bride) and my own of course, I don't know if I'm going to do my other sisters but if I do I know I won't have time for myself...anyway rambling on (does anyone even read what crap I write???...hmmm)
My technique of painting my nails is like this..messy and off my nails to the edges on my skin. I find that it is quicker. and that when I take a hot shower all I need to do is rub the edges and it comes off my skin, Easy to clean not fuss!!! (or you can soak your fingers in hot water for a while...and when they are completely dry)
Also I didn't have the patience to wait for it to dry and continued to type and do other stuff like make tea before I did a top coat. Remember to do a top coat otherwise it won't stay for long. And let it dry before the top coat...I kinda smudged mine a little as I don't have a photo of it done but it's not like you can see the difference of a top coat anyway. :)
The design also has a bit of leopard print ^.^
Oh and yes that is my mac in the background...its a old Powerbook G4. Veryy old, but I love the aluminium metal feel of it, it's not like the new ones...erghhh Hahahaha
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