Hours of fascination over nothing important.

I'm like a kid, I can be fascinated by such small detail in products. I mean someone can give me something as little as a bottle of perfume and I would sit there for a few hours analysing it.
I would obviously open it, spay it and smell it. I would then move on to looking at the bottle of the perfume, the detail, its design, the actual design of the bottle, its form and shape. I then look at the packaging, it's box I read anything that is on it. The ingredients, trademark...little details around the packaging. I don't know if it's me a design geek, but I look at the layout of text or image, type colour, texture material etc. I then look at the design of the packaging the way it functions, if it is not a standard box I get fascinated by the net design, the cut, the way it is designed to interact with the buyer. I then get into the idea of wondering how it was produced, the print process. For example the idea of gloss or embossing on certain details of a packaging has always interested me.
In a way I guess the course at uni now has really taught me a lot about things like this-as in the print process of graphic design rather than packaging. But I guess it's more or less a similar process. Well I hope to think so anyways...

But back to the point yeah I get fascinated by such little things. Some people will know, but me a book and wrap it with some nice textures wrapping paper and I'll cherish the wrapping paper..oh and the book, I mean it could be a photo frame with a picture of a strangers dog...and I loveeee dogs so I would likely be like awwwwww for a while too. And lets not get me started on the wrapping paper or wallpaper, I think that'll be a whole new essay of a blog :D
And on a last note, I like to 'collect a load of rubbish' I get fascinated by clothing labels and I got shoe boxes full of them. I started in my early teens and being a girl loving to shop, You can only wonder...^_^

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