Losers in Love

I'm the one who...
plays hard-to-get,
gets jealous,
starts the childish games,
be the first one to start a fight,
leaves the room from an argument...

But if You Love Me, You are the one who runs after me,
makes my knees too weak to run anywhere but into your arms.
You're meant to make me feel like the Loser.

But you're never the Winner because you're the one who
makes me feel like I have to play hard-to-get, just to prove you Love me,
get jealous of the way that you are,
start the childish games,
start a fight with you turning into an argument where I can't control my emotions and
leave the room.

You run after me,
hold me in your arms when my knees fall weak,
You're the Loser for letting me win
But we are each others Loser. Because we are Losers in Love.

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