Why I have no savings :(

The main reason to why I have no money is because...
I am a girl who loves to shop!

The End.

I mean if I see something pretty I buy it,
I do question is it of any use? Errrrr.....Yes!
Is it worth the price? Errrrr.....Yes!
Would I be able to buy it another time? NO!!


I'm improving, I mean when I go shopping I don't always buy something, I window shop and look around and restrict myself with a limit of how much I spend and what I buy....I am trying I sometimes go off track...when I'm pissed off and need to vent, I know it's not a good thing :S

Also not all my money goes on clothes and stuff :P. But no it's true, I spend a lot of money on food and the essentials I need at home, because I buy a majority of my own stuff at home. :D

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