VCR Player

I really wish my VCR Player won't break. Well if it does hopefully it won't be expensive to replace, But anyway

Reasons for why I would not throw my VCR Player away
Well whilst on my tidying shebang I noticed
1. the amount of Family videos we have...32...Yes that little? =.=" Can't complain about not having enough family memorise starting from when me and my sisters were young (obviously) was around 10 I think...there were some missing years of growing up...but it soon followed up with my little brothers adventures. Good memories. But to the point, Yes I know with the new technology it is possible to burn the videos on dvd. But no! In my opinion it looses the authenticity, the feel and the meaning of Home "videos" they are videos! videos are on tapes!!!! Arghhh Hehehe

2. My Walt Disney Classic Collection. I actually don't remember having most of them, nor the story line. Well Cinderella was my favourite so that I will always remember. and the typical beauty and the beast, snow white, Alice in wonderland...Endless...but what the fuck is "The Rescuers Down Under" or "Fantasia" about??? I guess this calls for a Disney marathon :O Yes. Soon :D Anyway off track again. So once again I know you can now get them on DVD and they are 'better quality' But I don't care! It is what it is!. Also the video tapes itself mean a lot to me as they were mainly given to me and my sisters by my grandmother when we were young, I remember that When I stayed over at her house I would watch Cinderella on repeat. Play it all the way through and rewind it and play again and again...It was worth it. But unfortunately the tape is not really watch-able as the quality has gone a little :'( might just goon ebay and see if there is one on DVD I guess, just so I can watch it again :) but still keeping the tape! They are more than just Disney cartoons, they're my memory, my childhood memories.

3. Chinese Anime and Manga, Yes I have a lot of these, Dragon ball-Z, Sailormoon, Doraemon...and some other that don't have English names...or I don't know them. They really have the same value to me as the Walt Disney Collections I have. Except I have made some sacrifices and thrown a lot away already. And some of them (the boy like ones, Dragon ball-Z, Teenage Mutant Turtles...) I put into a box so my dad can take them to the house they - my parents and my little brother live in so he can watch them :D

I guess the contents of video tapes as well as the actual object itself, to me have a sentimental value rather than a material worth.
It's hard to let go of some things that have such great value, but I guess without throwing away old things, there won't be room for improvement or new things :)

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