I'm going to miss...#2

Even though I’m happy that I’m going to be graduating this year…well I hope to graduate this year I know that I’ll miss it slightly.

Not the workload or the deadlines but the times I’ve had in and out of uni. I wouldn’t say the freedom, because I’ve always had the freedom to do whatever I like, but the freedom of not thinking about the grown up world of working and financially supporting myself etc.

In some ways I think that I’ve grown up too quick, too mature for my age. Well I was technically looking after myself from the age of 14, not financially though I still had my parents for that until I was around 18, when I started uni and lived on student loan and grant.

I literally did everything for myself, it's not like I never did anything around the house. My parents brought us- my sisters and me up on an independent level, we didn't get pocket money, if we wanted anything we have to earn it. I mean fair enough I had my sisters (x3) my oldest was really strict, almost like a mum- she was actually worse than my mum. My second sister was a "little helper" she always knew what to do. and the one just older than me, we never get along we always fight and she would always tell on me. So would I get any advantage of having 3 older sisters, No, it was a competition.

I spent weekends with my sister's helping my mum tidy the house, we all had our own chores to do, we all worked together, I learnt to clean after myself. So with my good behaviour and wanted a new toy, I would occasionally always get it. Growing up I would help my mum in the kitchen not cook, but to pass her things when she wanted it or to occasionally stir the food cooking and that was how I leant to marinate my food (Chinese style food).
On a level I really appreciate the way my parent have brought me up. I mean there are a lot of people who don't know how to look after themselves and have not done chores in their life, they are some what older than me too, and I'm 21. I mean, do you know how to work your washing machine? Do you know where the fuse box is in your house or flat? Because I do, I learnt at the age of 12.

I want to be a kid again and I wouldn't change a thing...well a few little things :)

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