The last chance that never is the last!

I hate it when I tell my self that it's the last time that I'll do something, then only for some time to pass and I 'm back on my own words again!

Majority of the time when I tell myself it's the last time, I question myself of "what ifs'" and I just give in and end up falling for the same thing again!

It's like the saying
"Fool me once, shame on you fool me twice shame on me"

But sometimes it takes more than twice because we fall for the "Third times a charm" or "Third time lucky" but only to get disappointed again.

But really, I guess the third time is the last time, because after that you're just kidding yourself.

A poem I found with the saying:

Not this time.
nope, she's not falling for it. again.
boy, your old tricks are getting rusty.
it won't have [ any effect ] on her any
longer. flashing that gorgeous smile
of yours and gazing at her with those
amazing eyes? not going to work.
haven't you heard of the saying, "fool
me once, shame on you. fool me twice,
shame on me."? the girl isn't stupid!
she's learned to look into that [ dark,
empty hollow ] you call your heart.
she's not judging the book based on
its cover anymore.

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