After working hard for the last few weeks with little laziness in between, I noticed that I can do all the work I need to...that is if I continue to work as I did before.
I have 2 weeks to completely finish everything, I know I will get it done, because I won't sleep till it's done, it just wont be the way that I wanted it to be, or as good that's all.
But I can do it!!! :D
My name is Karlai Cheung, But call me Karoline. This is "PlayDohh Area", Me and everything that I find interesting, strange, weird but wonderful. A little curiosity and inspiration that touches my taste-buds. These are things that I randomly produce OR 'reblog' of other peoples through stalking :D
First steps to a last chance
The first steps to an action is always hard to take...and out of stubbornness it meant the hell of a lot.
Sometimes it takes more than a first step, it takes a bit of a pushed step (and maybe a kick) and it might not get you anywhere, and so you try to move on, and maybe out of luck something will later come out of it, or if you're that lucky you'll just get what you stepped up for.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that, chances are for you to give, but not just to give to others but also yourself.
However as I mentined in my other post "The last chance that never is the last!" some people don't deserve a chance, or for you to make a step for. It's up o you to believe if they are worth it and if you're lucky enough, they too will try.
At the moment I'm just hoping that I won't get disappointed, this is the last chance that I am giving you and this is once again a first step I've taken for you, I really hope you show me a different side of you because I can tell you that this is the last chance to prove that you have changed.
Sometimes it takes more than a first step, it takes a bit of a pushed step (and maybe a kick) and it might not get you anywhere, and so you try to move on, and maybe out of luck something will later come out of it, or if you're that lucky you'll just get what you stepped up for.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that, chances are for you to give, but not just to give to others but also yourself.
However as I mentined in my other post "The last chance that never is the last!" some people don't deserve a chance, or for you to make a step for. It's up o you to believe if they are worth it and if you're lucky enough, they too will try.
At the moment I'm just hoping that I won't get disappointed, this is the last chance that I am giving you and this is once again a first step I've taken for you, I really hope you show me a different side of you because I can tell you that this is the last chance to prove that you have changed.
The sun is finally out!
I can't believe believe that it's so sunny recently and I'm stuck in doors doing uni work for the assessment. But it's got to be done, and it's a bit depressive that I'm missing out on it and spending time with my friends, but I got my summer time tunes on blast and working whilst dancing around the house.
I guess I really am a summer baby because I've been feeling really good about myself for no reason, like I'm just a lot happier and well, less depressive, even though I still question what I'm going to do with my life after I graduate after uni.
I guess things will work out by itself in due time, and I'm not going to stress too much about it till I graduate. I have thought of things that are possibilities of "to do's" but I'm not going to put too much hope into it happening, just because I dislike being disappointed and I like the idea of serendipity.
I also believe that when one door closes another will open, you just have to be ready to see it and grab it.
I guess I really am a summer baby because I've been feeling really good about myself for no reason, like I'm just a lot happier and well, less depressive, even though I still question what I'm going to do with my life after I graduate after uni.
I guess things will work out by itself in due time, and I'm not going to stress too much about it till I graduate. I have thought of things that are possibilities of "to do's" but I'm not going to put too much hope into it happening, just because I dislike being disappointed and I like the idea of serendipity.
I also believe that when one door closes another will open, you just have to be ready to see it and grab it.
The last chance that never is the last!
I hate it when I tell my self that it's the last time that I'll do something, then only for some time to pass and I 'm back on my own words again!
Majority of the time when I tell myself it's the last time, I question myself of "what ifs'" and I just give in and end up falling for the same thing again!
It's like the saying
But sometimes it takes more than twice because we fall for the "Third times a charm" or "Third time lucky" but only to get disappointed again.
But really, I guess the third time is the last time, because after that you're just kidding yourself.
A poem I found with the saying:
Majority of the time when I tell myself it's the last time, I question myself of "what ifs'" and I just give in and end up falling for the same thing again!
It's like the saying
"Fool me once, shame on you fool me twice shame on me"
But sometimes it takes more than twice because we fall for the "Third times a charm" or "Third time lucky" but only to get disappointed again.
But really, I guess the third time is the last time, because after that you're just kidding yourself.
A poem I found with the saying:
Not this time.
nope, she's not falling for it. again.
boy, your old tricks are getting rusty.
it won't have [ any effect ] on her any
longer. flashing that gorgeous smile
of yours and gazing at her with those
amazing eyes? not going to work.
haven't you heard of the saying, "fool
me once, shame on you. fool me twice,
shame on me."? the girl isn't stupid!
she's learned to look into that [ dark,
empty hollow ] you call your heart.
she's not judging the book based on
its cover anymore.
To Do Lists

First of all I know the image is not at it's best quality, but it's not like you need to read what's on them any ways.
Secondly, Yes, Yes I'm one of those peoples that like to write lists. Lists are Kool. (You see I spelt it with a "K" not a "C" it's a different type of "coolness"..maybe a dorkey wierd type like me...)
Back to the point of this photograph...They are my to do's for my un projects, the top 4 sheets are for each project that I need to do not including my "waste of time essay". The first two sheets of the second row are the printing you can see tey are empty as I've not done anything to print!. the third sheet is what I need to do when term starts as certain facilities at uni are not available. The last one is the over all list. The third row is of my timetable till it's all over, the next sheet is what I need to do on Tuesday and the next sheet what I need to have done for Wednesday so I can print pieces off.
I'm pretty organised and I don't know if it's a waste of time? Yes, No? My sister thinks I'm a freak...I never denied that and I kind of think I'm a little bit of a OCD freak too :S
Now back to another 2 hours of work before bed?
Little Desserts
A friend came over to my house and we ordered Domino's Pizza for dinner, we ordered a pizza and two sides. It was yummy :D We also got desserts too (obviously as this post is called Little Desserts), my friend got the Chocolate Waffle and me this...the triple cheesecake :D It was extra yummy, and yes we managed to eat our desserts too...that's because we didn't finish the whole pizza :S
But once again so Yummy :D
Hair becoming part of clothing

Lady Gaga Image: Designs by Artidjana and Charlie le Mindu
Image with 3 Women: Julia Reindell, VPL, Bitching & Junkfood
Naked model Image: Skirt designed by Lauren Mayhew
For one I know that I get really annoyed when my hair gets in my way...also Keeping hair extensions untangled is a problem so outfits...are you crazy!!
Also I really dislike the idea of fur let alone hair?
Bad idea
Biscuit can teach you things...
My sister got me these biscuit thing from the Chinese supermarket. It's basically theses stick biscuit with a strawberry dip, I'm not so keep on fake strawberry foods, So I didn't try it, it was also this really bright Pink?
Anyways the biscuits made me smile...
" Mole in a Hole "
" Fox beware of Lies "...
But I don't know if my sister was trying to hint something to me?...Like she was taking the piss? LOL
Lack of posting
I know that I posted a lot previously and there is a reason to why i have put a pause on it. I am currently a few weeks of final assessment at university and graduation, and so I'm just trying to do some work for it and hope for the best.
I shall be posting soon after, and will definitely try to sneak a random post here and there :D
I shall be posting soon after, and will definitely try to sneak a random post here and there :D
Please Vote "I want to be" by khairul ahmed
VOTE on FACEBOOK Please!!!
When you get the chance can you vote for my mates video [ I want to be by khairul ahmed]
Just click on the link and select the video [ I want to be by khairul ahmed] and press the "like" button underneath it to vote.
Please vote for [I want to be by khairul ahmed].
When you get the chance can you vote for my mates video [ I want to be by khairul ahmed]
Just click on the link and select the video [ I want to be by khairul ahmed] and press the "like" button underneath it to vote.
Please vote for [I want to be by khairul ahmed].
Flowers on Special Delivery
Mysteriously Enchanting but Elegant
Vintage Camera
This is a photograph of my Mummy camera. She had this since she was a young teen. We have these random vintage stuff (including Chinese ornaments) that belong to my mummy and Daddy at home...mainly in the attic or scattered around the house on shelves or cupboards.
But back to this camera. I really like it however I don't know how to work it. I definitely will learn during the summer. I just have to find out the type of film and stuff that it uses. I also need to clean it up a little as the leather case that it has around it is rusting away due to the lack of care it was in when it was 'stored' or chucked into the corner. It is at the moment sitting in a sealed plastic pocket in my room.
Does anyone know how to work this? I want to learn the old way of photography without the LCD screen!
Mental Disorder posters

This is a 7 series minimalistic poster design to represent a group of mental disorders.
The posters have been designed by Patrick Smith
I think that they were well thought out and designed, they represent each one well. I actually find the OCD annoying and want to just move that box!! I am a "little" OCD freak.
Read more HERE
Air Asia T-shirt Packaging
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